how to 🪄 No More Manual Copying. Simplify file transfers with the power of find, cp, and rsync. This efficient approach automates data backups, ensuring seamless and secure transfers to a local or remote server—eliminating the need for manual effort. 🚀
how to 🪄 Install & Use Glances to monitor Ubuntu Server. Whether you're a system administrator or a casual user, you're probably familiar with TOP and its more colorful, feature-rich cousin, HTOP. But if you're looking for an even more powerful, flexible, and user-friendly system monitoring tool, Glances is the perfect choice! 🚀
how to 🪄 Learn to use '-mtime' in 'find' CMD like a Pro. The -mtime option in the find command is a powerful tool in Linux for locating files based on their modification time. It helps users identify files modified a specific number of days ago, making it easier to clean up old logs or archive files.
how to 🪄 /var/run/reboot-required. In Linux, key components like the kernel and libraries (e.g., glibc) remain active in memory during operation. After updates, rebooting is essential to ensure processes use the latest versions. Without a reboot, outdated components can cause instability, security risks, and performance issues.
linux 🐧 'ls': Navigating Linux with Precision. In the vast landscape of Unix-like operating systems, navigating through directories and managing files efficiently is a fundamental task for both users and administrators. At the core of this file management process is a simple yet powerful command: the ls command.
linux 🐧 /etc/skel directory. The name "skel" is derived from "skeleton," as it holds the fundamental structure of a user's home directory. This directory provides the essential files and configurations required for every new user, much like a skeletal framework provides a basic structure for an organism. 🎧 The
shell 🛠️ /boot directory. This is a series of posts focusing on the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which defines the structure and directory layout of Unix-like operating systems, including Linux.
how to 🪄 How to List Only Hidden Files in Linux. In Linux, hidden files are files or directories whose names start with a dot (.). These files are often used for configuration or settings purposes, such as .zshrc, .gitconfig, .profile, .ssh, and more. By hiding these files, the system reduces the chance that a user might accidentally delete or alter them,
shell 🛠️ grep --color The grep --color command is used to highlight the matching parts of the text that the grep command finds. This makes it easier to visually identify the search results. 🎧 Here's the overview: $ grep -i --color 'failed' /var/log/auth.log This command searches for the word
how to 🪄 SUDOEDIT. sudoedit is a command used in Linux and Unix systems that allows users to edit files as the superuser (root) while maintaining security by using their preferred text editor. It's similar to using sudo with a text editor (e.g., sudo nano or sudo vim), but with an
shell 🛠️ /bin directory. This is a series of posts focusing on the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which defines the structure and directory layout of Unix-like operating systems, including Linux.
how to 🪄 Block websites on Local. Blocking access to specific websites can significantly improve system security and manage network traffic. Redirecting malicious or phishing sites helps protect against potential threats while preventing access to unwanted sites reduces network congestion and minimizes security risks.
how to 🪄 How to change a username in Linux. Changing a username in Linux is straightforward but requires careful steps to ensure all related system files and processes are updated correctly. This post will walk you through the process to ensure everything functions smoothly after the change. Steps to Update a Username 1. Log in as Root (not Recommended)
how to 🪄 How to mount/automount USB drive on Linux Systems. Mounting and automounting USB drives are key for managing removable storage on Linux. Whether you want to manually mount a USB drive or set up automatic mounting, understanding these processes can boost productivity and streamline your workflow.
tips OpenVPN Configuration: #management localhost 7505. This is the twelve in a series of posts, featuring Protips, tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets provided by Our Team 🙊 — We want to share our top tips for the growing and thriving Linux community out there. Because sometimes you need a little help...
how to 🪄 touch Command. The touch command is simple yet powerful. Its primary use is to create empty files and update the timestamps of existing files. Using touch with no option changes a file's access and modification times to the current time —and NO!!!, the touch command does not replace or overwrite
how to 🪄 Difference: { } \; vs { } + The find command in Linux is a powerful tool used to search for files and directories within a specified directory hierarchy. It allows users to search based on various criteria such as name, type, size, modification time, and more. Once files or directories matching the search criteria are identified, you
how to 🪄 Delete all files except SNUB.* Sometimes, you might find yourself in a funny situation where you need to delete or clean up all files in a directory, except those with a specific file name or type. Using commands or scripts with precise patterns and conditions can help you efficiently manage files while preserving the ones
linux 🐧 `cd -` In Linux, the command cd - is used to switch to the previous directory you were in. It acts as a shortcut to quickly toggle between two directories. Here’s a breakdown of its usage: Use case: 1. Suppose you are in /home/user/docs and you change to /etc:
linux 🐧 Core aspects of Linux Server. The core aspects of Linux cover the fundamental principles, architecture, and essential components that define this powerful operating system.
shell 🛠️ /root directory. This is a series of posts focusing on the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), which defines the structure and directory layout of Unix-like operating systems, including Linux.
terminal The Five (5) Most Used Commands on Unix-like Systems. Unix-like operating systems offer a wide range of commands for various tasks. Some commands are fundamental for performing everyday tasks efficiently. These commands are essential for navigating the file system, managing files, or obtaining system information. 🎧 Here are the top five (5) most commonly used commands: 1. ls: Lists the
tips OpenVPN Configuration: #Allows Clients to Access Resources via a private IP. This is the eleventh in a series of posts, featuring Protips, tips, tricks, hacks, and secrets provided by Our Team 🙊 — We want to share our top tips for the growing and thriving Linux community out there. Because sometimes you need a little help...
https HTTPS: Keeping your Online Communication Safe. HTTPS, an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, is the encrypted form of HTTP. It ensures secure communication over the internet or within a network. This encryption is achieved through protocols like Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).