How to Remove/ Disable Zsh History' Commands on Linux.
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Linux’s shell history is a fantastic feature letting you recall the list of previously typed commands. But there are instances, though, when you want to disable it. You might want to disable your Z shell commands history on a production server — accessible from outside, where a potential attacker could gain access and re-read your history file to look for potential commands, services in use, or accidentally inserted passwords.
Below are a number of instructions on how to disable your history storage or remove all currently saved commands. This feature was not available in the Bourne shell.
Find out the number of commands saved in history
In the Z shell, your command history is stored in a file .zsh_history
in your home directory. By default, history
displays a numbered list of the 500 t0 1000 most recent commands, from oldest to newest. The HISTSIZE variable specifies the number of instructions to preserve in a history list.
$ echo "$HISTSIZE"
Linux shell allows you to adjust the number of commands that it stores in history. It actually has two distinct options: the HISTFILESIZE
parameter configures how many commands are kept in the history file, while the HISTSIZE
controls the number stored in memory for the current session.
Search for both the HISTSIZE
parameters if not present add them and feel free to modify its values. For the purposes of this tutorial, saving 10000 lines to disk and loading the last 5000 lines into memory will work just fine.
$ nano ~/.zhrc
# history length HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE setting
Where are my history
commands stored?
The history is created from the file specified by the variable HISTFILE./.zsh_history
is the default file.
$ echo "$HISTFILE"
Avoid duplicate entries in history
To avoid duplicate entries in your history, edit your ~/.zshrc
$ nano ~/.zshrc
Add the following at the end
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups
Alternatively, use the following one-liner:
$ echo "export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups" >> ~/.zshrc
To apply these settings immediately for the current shell session execute the .zshrc
$ . ~/.zshrc
$ source .zshrc
We can control these duplicates using the HISTCONTROL variable. HISTCONTROL can have the following values:
- ignorespace - lines beginning with a space will not be saved in history.
- ignoredups - lines matching the previous history entry will not be saved. In other words, duplicates are ignored.
- ignoreboth - It is shorthand for "ignorespace" and "ignoredups" values. If you set these two values to HISTCONTROL variable, the lines beginning with a space and the duplicates will not be saved.
- erasedups - eliminate duplicates across the whole history.
You can also set multiple values to the HISTCONTROL variable with colon-separated as such:
$ export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
Clear history
To clear both the history file and any presently unsaved commands in the history file, use the following Linux command.
ps: You will no longer be able to view history for both saved and unsaved history commands after running the aforementioned command.
$ history -c
Disable history
on Linux
You may delete the HISTFILE shell variable by using the unset HISTFILE
command by adding the above line to the end of the ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'unset HISTFILE' >> ~/.zshrc
Permanently disable history
using set
Another method is to use the set builtin command with the +o history
option and add it to the end of the ~/.zshrc
$ echo 'set +o history' >> ~/.zshrc
Next time a user login to the shell it will not store any commands to the history file .zsh_history.
To apply these settings immediately for the current shell session execute the .zshrc
$ . ~/.zshrc
$ source .zshrc
Disable the history
It will disable the command history system-wide and will be effective for the newly created users.
$ echo 'set +o history' >> /etc/profile
Delete a single command in history
This will delete a single command number 66 from history
$ history -d 66
Bonus: Clear history
on a remote host
The following command will blank the history file.
$ ssh user@linuxserver "> ~/.zsh_history"
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