The Five (5) Most Used Commands on Unix-like Systems.

The Five (5) Most Used Commands on Unix-like Systems.
Photo by yannick Coffi see more @ yannickcoffi -/- PRINTS -/- yC

Unix-like operating systems offer a wide range of commands for various tasks.
Some commands are fundamental for performing everyday tasks efficiently. These commands are essential for navigating the file system, managing files, or obtaining system information.


Here are the top five (5) most commonly used commands:

  1. ls: Lists the contents of a directory.
    • Usage: ls [options] [directory]
    • Example: ls -l (lists files in long format showing details like permissions, owner, size, and modification date).

  2. cd: Changes the current directory.
    • Usage: cd [directory]
    • Example: cd /home/snubmonkey (changes to the /home/snubmonkey directory).

  3. pwd: Prints the working directory.
    • Usage: pwd
    • Example: pwd (outputs the full path of the current directory).

  4. cp: Copies files or directories.
    • Usage: cp [source] [destination]
    • Example: cp snub.txt monkey.txt (copies snub.txt to monkey.txt).

  5. rm: Removes (deletes) files or directories.
    • Usage: rm [options] [file/directory]
    • Example: rm stat.txt (deletes stat.txt). Adding -r option allows removing directories and their contents recursively.

These commands serve as the backbone of everyday operations.
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