linux 🐧 Rsync Command in Linux. Backup and recovery describe the process of creating and storing copies of data that can be used to protect organizations against data loss. Restoring from a backup typically means putting the data back in its original or another location, ready to replace any lost or corrupted data.
linux 🐧 Hashing, Salting, and Password Storage on Linux. Whenever you want to check your email, open an SSH session, or even make a purchase on any of your favorite websites, you were prompted to create (and if not too much asked, try to remember it!) a password. It is the first line of defense against unauthorized access to your data.
linux 🐧 Understand the /etc/passwd file. The /etc/passwd file is used to keep track of every registered user that has access to a system. In other words, it stores user account information.
how to 🪄 How to resolve LAN hostnames on Ubuntu Server. Although we are accustomed to using names (i.e, when surfing the Internet, the Internet is pretty much based on numbers known as IP addresses.
how to 🪄 How to Kill SNAP on Ubuntu Server. Packages in Linux are managed and distributed via repositories. Package management in Debian-based distributions is officially handled by APT (Advanced Packaging Tool). And of course; as you would have guessed snap is another package management systems.
how to 🪄 Rename or Change User Name and UID on Linux Systems. You might have come across a situation where you want to rename a user name in Linux system, for whatever reasons. In this short tutorial, we will be discussing how to change user name (rename user name) or UID under a Linux operating system using command line tools.
linux 🐧 Deadly Commands You Should Never Run on *nux Systems ☠️ Whether you're a Linux newbie or veteran, you should never run a command unless you know exactly what it does. Linux can be a double-edged sword. It assumes that you know what you're doing and gives you the freedom to do whatever you want.
how to 🪄 Three ways to Lock and Unlock accounts on Linux Systems. One of the most critical part of any administrator is the ability to manage user accounts. In the following article, we are going to illustrate the different ways in which a user account can be locked and unlocked in a Linux system.
linux 🐧 Chmod +rwx Command on Linux Systems. (Permissions) In Linux and Unix-like (UN*X) operating systems, a set of flags associated with each file determines who can access that file, and how they can access it. These flags are called file permissions or modes, as in "mode of access."
linux 🐧 SUDO command. Sudo stands for SuperUser DO and it allows you to run programs with the security privileges of another user (by default, as the superuser or the root user). It prompts you for your personal password and confirms your request to execute a command by checking a file, called sudoers.
linux 🐧 Introduction to hashing and checksums on Linux Systems. Have you ever heard or wondered how to make use of a checksum - Here is an introduction that shows you what is it, and how to use the proper tools to verify the integrity of a file.
NGINX How to Install Nginx on Ubuntu Server & Setting Up Server Blocks. In this today tutorial, we will install and configure Nginx on Ubuntu 20.04 server adjust the firewall, manage the Nginx process, and also configure some server blocks so we can host multiple domains.
how to 🪄 How to Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Nginx. Today, we will explain how to redirect the HTTP traffic to HTTPS in Nginx. How we can secure our website by redirecting all unsecured traffic on port 80 to SSL secured port 443.
linux 🐧 Behind the Scenes: SMTP Server. Is send emails difficult? From a client's viewpoint, everything looks very straightforward. Under the hood, it is nothing else, complex system that drives messages from the sender to the recipient. Today, we'll be talking about a concept related to an outgoing mail server, known as an SMTP server.